Dr. Manish Prakash
  • +91- 9999469769
  • drmanish@mayomhospital.com

Free Second Opinion

Free Second Opinion

“A Second Opinion” to help you better understands your diagnosis and your full range of treatment options available with our networked hospitals. Many times our patient send their medical reports for a second opinion wherein their local doctor has recommended surgery but in most of the cases, we have experienced that surgery is not required but some medications.

Benefits of Second Opinion from Mayom Hospital Specialist:

  •   1. A detailed and professional medical opinion from the best Specialist in India

  •   2. Comprehensive health assistance

  •   3. Quick and immediate response to your medical inquiries from the best Specialists in India.

  •   4. An increased diagnosis certainty.

  •   5. An increased prescription certainty.

  • How to obtain a Second Opinion?

    Step 1:Consult with your Local Doctor.

    Step 2:Collect all your Medical reports/records pertaining to the ailment.

    Step 3:Scan & Send us the Medical Records, Doctor’s prescription and Required Documents.

    Step 4:Once you send and submit the process of requesting a second opinion. We anticipate the steps. We revert to you within 24-72 hours of your submission.

    Contact: drmanish@mayomhospital.com